Our Wellness Line of products is the perfect addition to your medicine cabinet! From the inside out these products have been carefully handcrafted to provide a safe and effective alternative in treating your families healthcare needs.
Our Elderberry Syrup contains organic ingredients that combine to bolster your immune system as well as offer immune support during times of sickness. Customizing your syrup with or without raw apple cider vinegar gives HRN families the option of adding another layer of immune & gut support or sticking with the basic syrup. Colloidal Silver most often is used during times of sickness in neti-pots or as a nasal spray or throat gargle. The benefits & uses are varied so I encourage you to do your own research & discuss with your medical practitioner how you can incorporate Colloidal Silver into your medicine cabinet.
Our Vapor & Muscle Rubs are a natural way to offer respiratory and muscle pain and swelling relief through a natural coconut carrier oil - there is NO petroleum in our products.
Looking for a natural alternative to treat muscle, joint, cramping, arthritis, carpel tunnel, tennis elbow and menstrual pain & tension? Our Pain Tincture is just what you need!
Completing our Wellness Line is our Organic Anti-Aging Face Cream and Aromatherapy Sticks. Our Face Cream is super emollient, hydrating & moisturizing while offering wrinkle, line, blemish and hyperpigmentation reducing properties. Our Aromatherapy Sticks…Allergy Relief, Baby Calm, and Stress “RELIEF” Stick combine pure essential oils offering relief in exactly the way the stick is named!